‘Markers for Mindfulness’ was founded in January 2020 in the face of budget cuts that have left education in a state of silent suffering. The premise of the project is simple: to collect, sort, and distribute donations of unused stationery from the local community to schools in need, in the hope that freed funding can be used to champion the cause of mental health, sparking conversations on student and staff wellbeing – a passion of mine since the passing of my best friend in 2019.

Over the past four years, nearly £60,000 worth of stationery has been provided to schools, with over 100 large boxes filled with pens, pencils, paper, scissors, and glue sticks delivered! Equally, nearly 500 students have received pencil cases, providing them with the stationery they need to tackle the school day.

Through a network of ‘collection points’, the project calls upon the collective power of a community to give back to their own schools through donating spare stationery – we all have one cupboard somewhere in our house full of stationery that needs an overdue sorting, and ‘Markers for Mindfulness’ delivers these supplies to the places they are needed most!

The project began posting boxes to local schools, but in November 2022 we held our first ‘School Supplies Larder’ event, welcoming 21 local schools to collect literal tonnes of school essentials!

Through ‘Markers for Mindfulness’, the power of the community, sustainability, education, and mental health all meet at the core of ethos, generating a monumental effect!

The project is growing, with ambitions for a future across the nation, unifying communities to support their local schools everywhere!

     Daniel Lloyd BCyA – Founder of ‘Markers for Mindfulness’

If you are a school seeking stationery supplies, or believe you can help our project, please get in touch by email:


Or, alternatively, through our two appropriate forms:

How can we help and How can you help

To follow the ‘Markers for Mindfulness’ Journey, visit our Facebook Page!
